Tagged with live chat

Now we help you much more with Cobrowsing

Now we help you much more with Cobrowsing

Cobrowsing is a tool that helps us view and control your Internet’s  browser window. This makes offering customer support as direct and simple as possible. Co-browsing has two modes. Highlight mode is the default – We can highlight a particular elements on the page you are viewing. Control mode allows us to move your mouse cursor around … Continue reading

Daily questions: Do you ship to my country ?

Daily questions: Do you ship to my country ?

Well, yes, daily questions. At fesal.com we try to assist our customers 24/7/365 through our live chat service, and we noticed that some questions are recurrently asked, so we’re gonna write down, one by one, the most frequently asked questions’ answers First thing that our customers request, is to know if we can ship to their … Continue reading